2020-2021 Membership Registration Now Open!

Join over 100 public, private, two-year and four-year institutions throughout New York State today!


Members Area access is now limited to those who have completed and paid for a 2020-2021 Membership.

If you have any questions, please contact membership@nystaa.org.

NYSTAA is dedicated to the mobility and success of transfer students in higher education and the professional development of its members. We strive to increase transfer student opportunities and improve articulation among New York State’s two-year and four-year public and private accredited colleges and universities. We support professionals who directly serve transfer students as well as those who work in transfer related areas.

2024-2025 NYSTAA President

Anne Gilligan

Mercy University


Welcome to our current, new, and prospective members to NYSTAA!

It is indeed my privilege to serve as President of NYSTAA as we enter our 31st year. I am excited about the opportunities in front of us in building upon the leadership of past presidents and forging us to a new era of growth and excellence. As Transfer professionals we are dedicated to our responsibility to advocate for students and promote a standard of excellence in all services that our institutions provide to transfer students. Collectively, our voices can impact change on our campuses and in the larger higher education arena. Our Executive Board is committed to providing opportunities for on – going professional development for NYSTAA members, both virtually and in- person. We recognize the need to create spaces for people to connect and network and we are looking to collaborate with other organizations to expand our reach and expertise. We are committed to taking a strong leadership role in the “Transfer” conversation in
New York State.

Our organization needs your involvement to foster growth and diversity of membership. We encourage you to volunteer for one of our many committees where your contribution will be valued, and you will experience the collegial friendships that NYSTAA is renowned for in NYS. We also need you to renew your membership or join us for the first time. Many of you made strong connections at our virtual conference in May and we want those relationships to continue. Amazing things are ahead of us this year! Please never hesitate to contact me directly with your ideas or concerns at agilligan1@mercy.edu.

Best regards,


For questions regarding membership, please contact our Membership Chair Emma Bowman at emma.bowman@sunyempire.edu.” (“NYSTAA | New York State Transfer & Articulation Association”)

The New York State Transfer and Articulation Association (NYSTAA) was founded over 20 years ago by professionals in higher education seeking to promote transfer student success.  Since 1993 NYSTAA has been focused on the transfer student and the issues these students face.
is our focus.

Join the Transfer Conversation

Access the Transfer Listserv today!


Why subscribe to the NYSTAA Listserv?

The NYSTAA Listserv is an open listserv housed at Syracuse University. It is a wonderful forum for professional discussion and the exchange of ideas. The Listserv includes messages to the general membership, conversations about transfer issues, universal questions about campus majors and programs, the advertisement of Transfer Days, and campus programming, among other information.

To subscribe to the NYSTAA Listserv:

Send a new message to the following address: listserv@listserv.syr.edu
In the body of the e-mail type in:
Sub NYSTAA (Your Full Name).
For example: Sub NYSTAA John Smith

Once you have sent this, your membership should be confirmed electronically. Once you are subscribed, to send messages to the group, the mailing address is: NYSTAA@listserv.syr.edu

To unsubscribe to the NYSTAA Listserv:

Send an e-mail to this address: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU.

In the subject line and in the body of the e-mail indicate SIGNOFF NYSTAA.